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微软增长的关键不是新Windows 10 而是云业务|华会体育官方网站首页登录入口


本文摘要:Much has already been written about Microsoft’s new Windows 10 and the reintroduction of its long-lost Start button after the company unveiled its updated flagship operating system on Tuesday morning. The new OS may provide a much-needed advance over its predecessor, Windows 8, but it is unlikely to restore Microsoft MSFT -1.22% to its former glory as the operating system of choice for computing devices—certainly not in an era where tablets and smartphones have largely supplanted the PC in terms of attention.美国时间9月30日上午,微软公司(Microsoft)公布了其近期旗舰操作系统Windows10技术预览版,并新的引进再一的开始菜单,关于此消息有数诸多报导。

Much has already been written about Microsoft’s new Windows 10 and the reintroduction of its long-lost Start button after the company unveiled its updated flagship operating system on Tuesday morning. The new OS may provide a much-needed advance over its predecessor, Windows 8, but it is unlikely to restore Microsoft MSFT -1.22% to its former glory as the operating system of choice for computing devices—certainly not in an era where tablets and smartphones have largely supplanted the PC in terms of attention.美国时间9月30日上午,微软公司(Microsoft)公布了其近期旗舰操作系统Windows10技术预览版,并新的引进再一的开始菜单,关于此消息有数诸多报导。新的操作系统有可能在Windows 8基础上获取人们期望的改良,但不太可能使微软公司挽回往日作为计算出来设备选用操作系统的巅峰,特别是在是在当今这个平板电脑和智能手机相当大程度上代替了PC机的时代,这认同是不有可能的。Where Microsoft is seeing a lot of growth, though, is in its cloud-based businesses like Azure (a platform for managing business applications) and Office 365 (the cloud-based version of its signature productivity software suite). In the company’s most recent earnings report, revenue from commercial cloud services grew 147%, representing an annualized run rate of over $4.4 billion.而微软公司未来将会构建较小快速增长的领域只不过是云业务,如Azure(管理业务应用程序的平台)和Office365(标志性云端企业生产力软件套装)。

公司近期财报表明,商业云服务的营收快速增长了147%,年化运营收益逾44亿美元。“Our Cloud OS represents the fastest growing opportunity for Microsoft,” newish CEO Satya Nadella said during a call with investors in July. It’s no wonder Nadella, the former executive vice president of Microsoft’s cloud and enterprise group, is bullish on the business. Since taking over the top job earlier this year, he has reorganized the company and made selling Microsoft’s cloud infrastructure and applications a priority.7月份,新任首席执行官纳德纳在与投资者的电话会议中回应:“我们的云操作系统是微软公司最佳的快速增长机遇”。纳德拉曾兼任微软公司云和企业业务继续执行副总裁,不该他寄予厚望该业务。自今年初接替首席执行官以来,纳德纳对公司展开了重组,并将出售微软公司的云基础架构和应用程序作为头等要务。

Nadella also tapped Scott Guthrie, a longtime Microsoft exec, for his old role. Fortune recently caught up with Guthrie to ask about some of the changes under Nadella, the competition with Amazon, and what differentiates Microsoft’s cloud products.纳德纳还发掘出在微软公司兼任高管多年的斯科特o格思里接替自己原本的职位。《财富》杂志近日专访了格思里,问到纳德纳力挽狂澜期间微软公司再次发生的一些变化、与亚马逊的竞争以及微软公司云产品与众不同的地方。Fortune: How has your role changed?财富:您的职责再次发生了什么变化?Guthrie:I took over in February, I think the same day Satya became CEO. One of the things that Satya talks about is how we’re living in a mobile-first, cloud-first world. I think the cloud and enterprise group in Microsoft has been very focused for the last two or three years on that mission. We’ve been in the process of transforming our business to really embrace that. I’d say a lot of my focus has been around, how we accelerate that even further? How do we move down that path? And then, how do we embrace customers and build the set of products that they really want in this mobile-first, cloud-first world, and provide a uniquely differentiated offering that we think only we can provide?格思里:我在2月份接替微软公司云和企业业务继续执行副总裁一职,与萨蒂亚离任首席执行官是当天。


我主要注目的问题是,如何更进一步加快该进程?我们如何在这条道路上继续走下去?我们如何从顾客抵达,并为顾客建构一套他们在这个以移动为本、以云为本的世界确实想的产品?如何获取独有的差异化产品?What’s unique about what Microsoft is offering?微软公司获取的服务有什么独有之处?The story I usually tell customers is how we’re really doing three unique things—three things that the combination of which we think is unique in the industry.我常常跟顾客描写我们做到的三件尤其的事,这三件事情融合一起在行业中独树一帜。One is, we’re focused on and delivering a hyper-scale cloud platform with our Azure service that’s deployed around the world. We’re now in 16 regions around the world. Each region is a cluster of multiple data centers. Put in perspective, Amazon has about half that many regions. Google for their cloud platform only has about a fifth of those regions today. So we actually now have the broadest coverage from a geographic perspective. From a scaling perspective, I think we’re one of [very few]—Amazon and Google being the other two—hyper-scale providers out there that are installing many, many hundreds of thousands or millions of servers every year in our cloud data centers.第一,我们通过在世界各地部署的Azure服务,获取超大规模的云平台。我们现在在全球16个地区创建了数据中心。



We believe that that geographic footprint, as well as the economies of scale that you get when you install and have that much capacity, puts you in a unique position from an economic and from a customer capability perspective, where we can take the customers and can literally spin up tens of thousands of virtual machines, or store petabytes or exabytes of storage instantly anywhere in the world. Ultimately we think there are about three providers out there that are going to be able to meet that need.我们指出,从经济性和顾客能力角度来看,当公司加装并享有如此大的处置能力,其地域覆盖面积和规模经济将使公司正处于独有地位,我们可以随时随地服务于客户,运营数以万计的虚拟世界机器,或展开拍电影字节或艾字节的存储。我们指出最后约将有三家供应商有能力符合这一市场需求。

Where I think we differentiate then, versus the other two, is around two characteristics. One is enterprise grade and the focus on delivering something that’s not only hyper-scale from an economic and from a geographic reach perspective but really enterprise-grade from a capability, support, and overall services perspective. I think that’s something that Microsoft has really kind of invested for 20-plus years in terms of getting there to be enterprise grade. It’s something you can say pretty easily, that you’re enterprise grade. But it takes an awful lot of time both to build out the muscle and earn the trust of organizations.与另外两家供应商比起,我们有两个差异化特点。一个是企业级,我们专心于获取超大规模服务,不仅在经济和地域覆盖面积方面是超大规模,而且在能力、反对和整体服务方面构建确实的企业级。为了超过这种企业级服务,微软公司显然投放了20多年的希望。

这说道一起很更容易,但要付诸实践并取得企业的信任,则必须很长时间。The other thing that we have that’s fairly unique is a very large on-premises footprint with our existing server software and with our private cloud capabilities. One of the things that we’re focusing on is, how do we enable organizations and enterprises as well as the startups and ISVs to build solutions that span not only hyper scale public cloud but can also integrate within enterprise’s existing data centers and build hybrid solutions that span across both?另一个特点是,我们的本地部署业务规模十分可观,归功于我们现有的服务器软件和我们的私有云能力。其中,我们注目的一个焦点是,如何使的组织和企业以及初创企业和独立国家软件开发商需要创立解决方案,不仅需要用于超大规模公共云,也可以与企业现有数据中心展开统合,即创建一种混合解决方案。What’s your assessment, in light of everything you just said, of how Amazon has been able to move forward in gaining so much market share?基于您刚才所说,您如何看来亚马逊取得如此多的市场份额?Well, I think Amazon was one of the first to really go big in the cloud space. So I think there’s certainly a first mover advantage that they’ve been able to benefit from. I wish we started three years before we did with our own cloud effort. Kudos to them for really embracing it as early as they did. In terms of where we’re at today, we’ve got about 57% of the Fortune 500 that are now deployed on Microsoft Azure. Obviously a core part of my mission is to not just be the solid number two but to actually gain on the current leader from a market-share perspective. Ultimately the way we think we do that is by having a unique set of offerings and a unique point of view that is differentiated.亚马逊是首批大力投放云业务的企业之一。


当然,我的主要愿景不是意味着保持第二名的方位,而是确实从当前的领先者手中提供市场份额。说到底,我们要构建这一点,必须获取独有的产品和与众不同的视角。Does the fact that Satya [Nadella] had your role in the organization before becoming CEO in any way change the relationship that you have with the CEO now?萨蒂亚[纳德纳]在兼任首席执行官之前,曾兼任您现在的职位,这一点有影响目前您与首席执行官之间的关系吗?Well, I don’t know if I’d say there’s been a big change from that perspective. I mean, I think obviously we’ve been saying for a while this mobile-first, cloud-first…”devices and services” is maybe another way to put it. That’s been our focus as a company even before Satya became CEO. From a strategic perspective, I think we very much have been focused on cloud now for a couple of years. I wouldn’t say this now means, “Oh, now we’re serious about cloud.” I think we’ve been serious about cloud for quite a while.从这个角度而言,我不告诉是不是应当说道再次发生了相当大的变化。



我们对云的推崇早已有非常宽一段时间。Certainly it helps the fact that the CEO is a big believer in cloud and has a bunch of first-hand experience running the cloud businesses. It certainly helps, not only in my world, but also some of the other cloud services that we’re doing, whether they’re device specific or gaming specific or with our Office business, which is outside of the cloud and enterprise group.当然,我们的首席执行官是云的忠诚拥护者,而且享有非常丰富的运营云业务的第一手经验,这对公司很有益。这不仅有助我的业务领域,也不利于我们正在研发的其他一些云服务,还包括云和企业业务之外的设备、游戏或Office涉及的云服务。





